Wait. What?
This is the PowerShell and Wargames blog post series. It is my attempt to challenge myself and play some Wargames, as suggested by CTF Field Guide.
I will try to complete the challenge using/learning Linux Administration skills, Bash and PowerShell.
As per CTF Field Guide:
“Wargames are similar to a CTF but are always ongoing. Typically, they are organized into levels that get progressively harder as you solve more of them and are an excellent way to practice for CTF.”
Level up/obtain fundamental Linux Administration skills and concepts.
Strengthen security concepts and hands on skills.
Get more experience in executing/applying cyber security.
Not just talk the talk but actually doing the work.
As a holder of couple of ISC2 certifications, I feel that more in depth and hands on experience will be a great asset. To view my current certifications please click here.
CTF Guide authors favorite Wargames:
- OverTheWire
- Micro Corruption – Coming soon
- SmashTheStack – Coming soon
- Exploit Exercises – Coming soon
Thanks a lot for reading.

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