Hi there! This is my daily post re Powershell Gallery statistics for the prior day.
There were 16 (15 new releases and 1 new modules) modules published on 3/24/2024.
15 new modules versions published:
Author | ModuleName | Version | PublishedDate |
mkht | PSOpenAI | 3.3.0 | 03/24/2024 06:48:32 |
Jordan Sim-Smith | ImmersionTracker | 0.21 | 03/24/2024 08:16:56 |
steve02081504 | ps12exe | 0.3.34 | 03/24/2024 09:52:28 |
Yoshifumi Tsuda | UiPathOrch | | 03/24/2024 12:36:34 |
Maester | Maester | 0.0.37 | 03/24/2024 12:41:18 |
Sascha Greven | UblionConnect | 1.0.189 | 03/24/2024 13:11:24 |
Ben Whitmore | Win32AppMigrationTool | 2.0.20 | 03/24/2024 14:21:52 |
PSModule | PATH | 1.0.2 | 03/24/2024 15:01:34 |
PSModule | PSSemVer | 1.0.4 | 03/24/2024 15:04:24 |
Skatterbrainz | helium | 1.1.11 | 03/24/2024 16:13:52 |
AutomateNOW-Fan | AutomateNOW | 1.0.16 | 03/24/2024 18:51:04 |
Richard M. Hicks | ADCSTools | 1.4 | 03/24/2024 19:40:40 |
Rod Hatley | Rods-Tools | 2023.3.24.2 | 03/24/2024 21:07:12 |
Kamil Pro | KpPwpush | 1.2.0 | 03/24/2024 21:25:04 |
the PwrOps collective | ADOPS | 2.2.2 | 03/24/2024 22:14:46 |
1 new modules:
Author | ModuleName | Version | PublishedDate |
Craig Thacker | LibreDevOpsHelpers | 0.0.8 | 03/24/2024 01:02:41 |
Source code for getting statistics from the Powershell Gallery can be found here.