PowerShell Gallery Prior Day Statistics – 3/31/2020

Hi there! This is my daily post re Powershell Gallery statistics for the prior day.

There were 51 (48 new releases and 3 new modules) modules published on 3/31/2020.

48 new modules versions published:

Author ModuleName Version PublishedDate
Nick Ferguson <[email protected] PSGistManager 0.0.2 03/31/2020 00:50:53
Microsoft Common Data Service Team Microsoft.PowerApps.Administration.PowerShell 2.0.53 03/31/2020 02:03:09
Joel Newton F5-LTM 1.4.295 03/31/2020 02:54:18
Jason Thompson Utility.PS 03/31/2020 03:50:49
Jason Thompson MSIdentityTools 03/31/2020 04:01:25
Microsoft Corporation Az.Accounts 1.7.4 03/31/2020 07:34:28
Microsoft Corporation Az.Attestation 0.1.6 03/31/2020 07:35:08
Microsoft Corporation Az.Compute 3.6.0 03/31/2020 07:35:47
Microsoft Corporation Az.CosmosDB 0.1.3 03/31/2020 07:36:01
Microsoft Corporation Az.DataFactory 1.7.0 03/31/2020 07:36:15
Microsoft Corporation Az.DataLakeStore 1.2.8 03/31/2020 07:36:25
Microsoft Corporation Az.HDInsight 3.1.0 03/31/2020 07:37:19
Microsoft Corporation Az.IotCentral 0.7.4 03/31/2020 07:37:30
Microsoft Corporation Az.IotHub 2.3.0 03/31/2020 07:37:35
Microsoft Corporation Az.KeyVault 1.5.2 03/31/2020 07:37:40
Microsoft Corporation Az.Maps 0.7.3 03/31/2020 07:38:12
Microsoft Corporation Az.Monitor 1.6.2 03/31/2020 07:38:29
Microsoft Corporation Az.Network 2.4.0 03/31/2020 07:38:43
Microsoft Corporation Az.PolicyInsights 1.2.1 03/31/2020 07:39:00
Microsoft Corporation Az.RecoveryServices 2.8.0 03/31/2020 07:39:18
Microsoft Corporation Az.Resources 1.13.0 03/31/2020 07:39:41
Microsoft Corporation Az.Support 1.0.0 03/31/2020 07:40:32
Microsoft Corporation Az.Websites 1.8.0 03/31/2020 07:40:43
Microsoft Corporation Az 3.7.0 03/31/2020 07:40:47
Hemisphera Hsp.Ps.UPack 0.0.27 03/31/2020 12:26:12
mkht pspm 1.5.1 03/31/2020 12:58:30
Iain Brighton PScribo 0.8.0 03/31/2020 13:10:03
Peter Zentner NavxBuildHelper 03/31/2020 13:51:15
Marc Bouchard SUBnet192.Toolset 0.1 03/31/2020 13:54:36
Luke Leigh PSCovid19Stats 1.0.2 03/31/2020 13:58:31
Hewlett-Packard Enterprise HPOneView.500 5.0.2368.2592 03/31/2020 14:16:50
Pedro Nunes Outsystems.SetupTools 03/31/2020 15:04:48
Red Gate Software Ltd. SqlChangeAutomation 4.2.20091.18609 03/31/2020 15:07:17
Stefan Schnuderl TimeCockpit 0.17.0 03/31/2020 16:47:08
BitTitan BitTitanManagement 0.0.95 03/31/2020 17:01:28
Adam Driscoll Selenium 3.0.0 03/31/2020 17:02:39
M?tz Jensen & Rasmus Andersen d365fo.tools 0.5.83 03/31/2020 17:29:41
Miguel Bernard PoshArmDeployment 0.4.0 03/31/2020 17:57:35
JumpCloud Solutions Architect Team JumpCloud.Dashboard 1.3.0 03/31/2020 18:45:33
Brant Burnett SpinnakerHalyard 0.2.0 03/31/2020 19:00:30
BinaryTreePackagePublisher BinaryTree.Internal.Power365.Dev 03/31/2020 19:23:15
Simon D’Morias azure.databricks.cicd.tools 2.0.60 03/31/2020 19:36:28
James Brundage EZOut 1.8 03/31/2020 20:14:13
Devolutions WaykNow 2020.1.4 03/31/2020 20:50:10
Oliver Li statuscake-helpers 4.0.15 03/31/2020 21:29:24
Microsoft Corporation AzureADPreview 03/31/2020 22:20:40
Florian Eiden asa.unittest 1.0.3 03/31/2020 23:00:33
Derek Baker AzureDevOpsHelpers 1.1.2 03/31/2020 23:51:56

3 new modules:

Author ModuleName Version PublishedDate
Joris Beckers PrometheusExporter 0.1.0 03/31/2020 10:05:10
Hayder ADKIT 2.2.3 03/31/2020 11:47:19
mconeill Exchange_AddIn 1.9.4 03/31/2020 17:36:24

Source code for getting statistics from the Powershell Gallery can be found here.

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